Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blogging edicet

I have recently come a cross a blogger that I was really disappointed in. This Blogger was venting and complaining about a gift they had received from a family member. They Clearly didn't like the gift and thought it was tacky. I know everyone is entitled to there own option in Blogging but I do how ever realizes that there needs to be some edicet for this Blogger. So I have thought of edicet rules

1) Be Smart, Blogging is not for personal Journal such as Venting Frustration about friends and family.

2) Be Positive, Dissing your in laws gift is a BIG NO NO

3) Be Funny, Tell funny stories that happen but leave out hurtful things

4) Be True, would you like to read things about you that are mean

5)Be Humble, Think before you write

6) Be Grateful for what you have and remember its for eternity

I have a few things to say in regards to this particular blogger "C" If bogging is for venting your frustrations out for the whole world to see and the expectation is that No one will add comments to the blog. This saddens me due to the lack of understanding this blogger has. I say GET A JOURNAL. Also the next time the thought come in your mind to write about a familt menber that may come across negatively think of this question " Is my blog more important to me then my Eternal family" If your blog is that important to bolgger "C", I feel so sad for this blogger, because they have lacked the understanding of how to be kind and understanding about those around them.... They are selfish and only think of them selves.

I know I have broken a few of my edicet rule but this it to prove a point. I do not care if this come back and bites me in the BUTT bring it on LOL


Higa said...

interesting... I always use my blog to vent. I don't pin point people generally but if something bugs me, I will say something.

Anonymous said...

continent teva ncam lfkrk jose combine referencebad hadnt krksz inhaf heacademy
lolikneri havaqatsu